How to Sponsor Me?

First decide how much. Since its a bike trip, why not think per mile. For example, since the ride is 4300 miles you could give:

1 penny per mile = $43 (or $50)
2 pennies per mile = $ 86 (or $100)
5 pennies per mile = $ 215
10 pennies per mile = $430

For some, $1 or more per mile is possible.

Then choose one of the three ways:

1. By credit card through "First Giving." Just click here, and it will take you to their secure site.

2. Send a check to YFCI, Box 4555, Englewood CO 80155.

Please include a note saying that the money is to sponsor Paul Luedtke on the Sea to Sea Ride Across America Bike Trip.

3. Bank transfer to the Youth For Christ Geneva Account

UBS, Case Postale, CH-1002 Lausanne, Switzerland

Campus Life Switzerland, P.O. Box 2668, CH-1260 Nyon 2

Compte: 80-2-2
Account No.: 576313.04 Z

IBAN: CH40 0022 8228 5763 1304 Z

Please include in your instructions the the transfer to sponsor Paul Luedtke on the Sea to Sea Ride Across America Bike Trip.

If you have any questions, please contact us at either or

Thank you for your generosity.

Paul and Becky Luedtke